Geoarchaeology involves tools and methods of geomorphology, the study of geologic processes at the earth’s surface. Tailored to investigations of archaeological sites, geoarchaeological studies allow archaeologists to interpret their findings within a broader geological and environmental context. By better understanding past landscapes, archaeologists can evaluate the integrity of the local archaeological record and the degree of confidence in interpretations. For a given site or project area, the goals of geoarchaeological analysis might include identifying landforms, describing stratigraphy and soils on site, defining site formation processes, and reconstructing the past environment. To accomplish these goals, sedimentary and geochemical data are collected.

Painted Desert, Arizona

Canal paleohydrologic reconstructions allow estimates of the effort spent in construction and maintenance of canals and the amount of irrigated land. These observations are directly related to issues of community organization and social structure through time. In particular, Hohokam canal studies often focus on reconstructing paleohydrology, establishing possible links with other canals, and placing operation within a chronologic framework. Sediment samples from canal features typically are subjected to a battery of sedimentological (particle size), zoological (ostracods and mollusks), and botanical (pollen, phytolith, and diatom) analyses. The resulting data help reconstruct the use histories of individual canals as well as systems.

Archaeology is the core of my profession. As an archaeologist, I have considerable experience with survey and excavation. I have also supervised data recovery projects. I have helped develop and implement recording systems, research designs, and treatment plans.

Stratigraphic Profile

Hourly rate:

$90, plus per diem and lodging on travel.

Sedimentary and geochemical analysis:

Rates provided upon request.

Rates for pollen and diatom analyses are found on the Archaeobotany Page.

Ostracod, mollusk, and phytolith analyses are coordinated with my colleagues.

Email : bgp@bgpconsultingllc.com

© Copyright - BGP CONSULTING LLC | All photos by Bruce G. Phillips.